Friday 7 October 2011


I have decided to set up a SIG on the BAPP facebook page. Reading various blogs from Steph, Nicole and Mark I have realised specifying too much too soon will not be effective for promoting discussion of thoughts on my subject material. As I and Nicole want to explore very similar subjects, no doubt our SIG’s will intertwine with one another occasionally.
I think that sharing opinions from other dancers, but also from other practitioners perhaps concentrating on different elements of performing world such as drama, or singing will all be very valuable. Our basic principles are no doubt the same that we have knowledge in our specific domain, and therefore surely we all have thoughts on what transferrable skills we may have as performances wanting to diversify into teaching in the Arts in some way.
Whilst doing some further reading (specifically some literature entitled Practitioner research and Professional Development in Education,  Anne Campbell) , I came across an explanation into the benefits of sharing discussion and not becoming a ‘Lonely Researcher’. I feel sometimes carrying out research alone can feel isolated and often I would struggle with where to begin.  Individuals working by themselves, writing, reading and reflecting in lonely isolation were referred to in the reading as suffering from ‘loneliness of the long distance runner’ (Campbell, 2009). By learning about how to create a SIG, and then continual development of it, I hope everyone in the BAPP community will avoid this syndrome! I also feel strongly in regular updates to the discussion topics to show we recognise the value of involving others. I hope to collaborate thoughts and opinions by using peers to review the role of others in providing challenges and different perspectives when researching into professional practise.
In reference back to my SIG, although my previous post has highlighted some initial questions, I have decided on a topic discussion coming from a slightly different angle. Sonal and Adesola commented on my blog some helpful points which reminded me that when composing the questions into an enquiry, that thinking of the answers is not necessarily the main point. Rather, are they the right questions, do they provoke intend, is the resolution measurable, who and how will it be of benefit into developing professional practise? The inquiry into these initial questions has now developed into further questions due to my perspective changing all the time. Therefore, I am entitling my SIG ‘What is the role of Dance In Education’. I have opened with a discussion on peoples thoughts of a YouTube clip I came across from Ken Robinson and his thoughts upon whether schools are ‘killing our kids creativity’, I found it incredibly interesting and really admire his passion for stressing the importance of encouraging creativity in all areas of education, please have a watch and let me know what you think!


Nicole Carman said...

Hi Sophie, I think it will be useful to have just one SIG for us both, what do you think?
As Stephanie has mentioned there are so very few of us and we have such a similar subject it might be more beneficial to share ideas on just one? we might get more from the SIG. How do you feel about this?

Adesola said...
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Adesola said...

Hi Sophie
Sounds like you are getting one with your question. Have you thought about having just on SIG. It is better to have one big one than lots of little ones just because then you cast the net wider, so to speak. Maybe you can combine with Nicole as she suggests. Great work

Sophie Douglas said...

Hi Nicole, yes combining our SIG's sounds like a great idea. I think it be vastly more benefial to all to have one to concentrate on. How's best to go about this do you think?

Nicole Carman said...
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Nicole Carman said...

I have set up a SIG on facebook simply titled dance education- maybe if we use just this SIG? as it leaves it open to develop into different areas.