Monday 28 February 2011

Journal Writing

I have found Tufnell, Tharp and Moons ideas on Reflection, and the concept that reflection does not have to be written, very interesting. The discovery of my personal reflection process is similar, in that the ideas which have come to me through the world outside, but have made a connection to be through my body, my ears, eyes and nose, into my skin and organs, translated through my sight, and realising how they make me feel, responding to these ideas, I have discovered the ’changing fields’ of what has happened to me and in their words, ‘my knowledge of the world begins’.

However, I have also realised that as a professional, I need to be able to find a way to verbally, or through some kind of written communication to document my reflection, rather than relying on this tacit knowledge, however precise I think it may be or feel at the time of its creation.

I have understood two key things from this section of the reader. The first being that Journals are a common method of recording ones reflection, specifically encouraged in education in today’s world. They are a common technique for professionals to develop and keep in touch with changing and updating any new information in accordance with the outside world. Many see them as a vehicle for reflection that will ultimately improve my Web Based Learning and Professional Practise as a dancer and dance captain/company manager.

Coincidently, through my own mini reflection process, I have also come to realise that specifically for me, making my journal colour coded, and adding use of diagrams and flow charts aids me hugely. Call it a photographic memory if you like, colours provoke recollection of my written work therefore helping my learning, all leading to aiding my professional practise. Any one else with me on this one?! Through the process of critical thinking, I have realised that perhaps I could try a different method of journal writing to see how my learning is affected. I could perhaps try experimenting with creating a poem, or scrap booking my ideas from newspaper articles and papers as I know I particularly enjoy and it is a regular practise of mine to read the daily papers, a wide range of magazines and online articles. I could even use my new knowledge of Web 2.0 based technologies such as you tube clips found on Google for further inspiration before documenting my reflection process in my journal.

Sunday 27 February 2011

Using Reflection to turn experience into learning to find my own Artistic Vision.

       I have been working my way through reader two, and have found Kolb’s ‘Cycle Of Learning’ particularly interesting. What I hadn’t realised, was that by being introduced to Kolb and his theories by reading recent posts from fellow students and tutors Sonal, Stephanie, Paula and Adesola, was that I was already ‘inside’ the circle myself. Having the experience of creating my blog, using others comments coupled with my own creativity and ability to improve on something to ‘better’ my blog, then receiving constructive criticism and general feedback from my tutors, learning and concluding from this, and then learning from this and onto planning the next step on improving on it. Where of course the whole process starts to repeat itself once again.

After reading through the first section of the reader, (Ref Page 11, thanks Adesola), I have also come up with my own diagram, with my sort of own mini philosophies. I have found it a really useful way to discover traits about myself, and how I personally use reflection to turn experiences into learning. If you have time to do one, it’s a really interesting exercise, part of the huge journey to understanding how you do work as a person, as well as how this affects your professional practise.

Finally, reading about Howard Gardner has also been particularly thought provoking. His three theories of ‘multiple intelligences’, ‘VAK’, and ‘multiple lenses’. Personally, with regards to the lenses that I look through as a learner shouldn’t limit me. I realise I should use them as a tool to recognise how I, and others learn as well. I know I find specifically ‘Visual’ learning from Gardner’s ‘VAK’ concept the most helpful. It is also the one I use most on my Professional Practise. With being Dance Captain and having to teach routines to foreign cast members - usually we couldn’t speak the same language so this visual aid was essential. Also, in my Foundation In Dance Instruction studies in Classical Ballet, I realised children must rely on this method of learning too - after all, what child really knows French well enough to be able to translate that ‘pile’ means to bend, and ‘jete’ to throw, for example.

Friday 25 February 2011

Flickr Account


So just managed to set up my Flickr account, uploaded a varied photostream of pictures all relating to my Professional Practise. Wide range to have a look at from rehearsals to performance to fellow cast, to the ship its self during dry dock, sailing, the Captain and crew also creep in there too to give as much detail, and hopefully interest and enjoyment as possible.

I have found the process of 'geo tagging too', has anyone else found it? With my Professional Practise revolving hugely around the places we physically visited whilst dancing, I have found this Web 2.0 echnology perfect to give that little extra information and ultimatly boost the overall description of my specific work line.

To access it, you have to of course sign up to Flickr, I have noticed many already have, Sonal Patel has some great pics in her photostream too, she let me know through her lates blog, thanks Sonal. You are then required to set up your personal profile so to speak, thats bit is easy so don't be too daunted!

Here is the shortcut to it.

Campus Session!

Hey everyone, how is everything going for everyone?

Currently working my way through the reader 2, finding lots of interesting informations. Working on my Flickr slideshow of pictures too, I am having to hold of my Powerpoint Presentation currently due to technical difficulities but it is on its way! So many things to experiment with!

Wanting to ask how the Campus Session gone on the 21st? Lots of interesting points raised no doubt, unfortunately I did not make it but if anyone had anything they wanted to discuss would love to know!

Many Thanks!

Thursday 24 February 2011


Hi Guys,

This is my first youtube creation, taken while and countless different technologies to create, but let me know what you think!

Would like to put it on my profile permanantly I think, welcome to my Professional Practise!
Hi Guys,

Great post from Alan Durrant about Flickr if anyoneis struggelling. I am currently putting a few pictures and slides together, experiementing between Flickr, Slideshare and Youtube but his post really helped me where to get started. Check it out if like me you felt a bit overwhelmed!

Thanks Alan!

Self Managment Essential to Profession Practise

      Wanting to point out a blog post I have just read from Sonal Patel, it is regarding Self Management. Such a great blog Sonal, and if it makes you feel any better, I was feeling a bit lost as to where we had got up to too. Shows such great initiative to stop for a second, find out exactly where you are on the course breakdown and structure. All these skills, time management, communication with tutors, willingness to ask for all will all go towards great Professional Practise, whatever specifically this may be.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Web 2.0 - Promoting a company using its Technologies


Last night the touring company ' Ludas Dance' performed a youth workshop followed by a performance at my local theatre in the Lake District. (really well equipped theatre with great stage and two studios for hire if anyone lives up North my way!)

Although unfortunately I could not make the performance and workshop to teach as intended, I was browsing their site this morning to see how it had gone and it really how hit me how clever the company had been. Their website if full of technologies such as Flickr, Twitter and blogs all promoting and raising awareness of what they do as a company and primarily getting the best out of their Professional Practise. It really hit me just how wide the benefits are of using of these technologies, the principle that I have heard of this company who perform at this theatre in the North where really is not the dance capital of the country to be honest, we are reasonably limited as to what dance opportunities are offered yet through applications such as Flickr and blogging the company is promoted all over. So now I have posted this on my blog, a awareness is raised really world wide to all you lovely people! The possibilities are just endless, check out the website. Their 'choeography creator' technology is pretty cool if you are interested in that element of Dance.!threadID=GFvyLI1oGUT8%2FBDYMp3woQ0bydkuUl

I used google to create a favourites list, then book marked this page in to my list.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Use of Web 2.0, How To Make a Showreel

Hi Guys,

Found this youtube clip particularly useful with regards to how to making a show reel most effectivly with optimum results in our Professional Practise.

Have a look and let me know what you think, goes into depth about things that's may be considered as trivial but ultimately can make that extra difference to getting hired, for example, I am now considering factors affecting looking calm on an introduction, tips and ways in which to come across competent before I have physically even started dancing.

On the contrary however, I found after googling this topic, lots of sites that were actually less help with merely promotions of prices for companies to do show reels for you. This stresses the importance of how specific you need you need to be when undergoing a search in the world wide web, with hundreds of thousands of possible pages found a certain extent and capability to limit and extract exactly what is going to be beneficial is needed.
Here is the link to an example of a site that really, at second glance provides no useful information, I thought it was necessary to show examples of both.

Some extra info regarding use of Web 2.0 technologies....

Hey Guys,

So in relation to previous posts, and although this stuff is more directed at the WBS3835, found some extra interesting research, mainly into my own practise which has been really eye opening. Really made me stop and think of all thedifferent aspects to my own Professional Practise, lots of ways of incorporating Web 2.0 into aswell. Alan Durrant post was really was what my imagination flowing, great extra exercise, thanks Alan. One of the cruicial points that kept coming up was ultimatly just how much I could have used and from now one use different Web 2.0 technologies to enhance my Professional Practise. For example, when I initially auditioned for the agency myself, I did not have a showreel. Thinking back now, the process of creating one and simply beng able to post it to the company, as apposed to endless trips to London and Paristo audition would have been much more effective and time efficient. Having said that, showing my face personally is something I think is incrdably important when auditoning for a new employer of course. The extra gain of having a showreel to hand as a safety rail in a sense is emense. I have been researching some information on showreels and the best way to create them as I feel they have such utter importance to the life of a Professional Dancer.

Shall be posting my findings shortly.......

Monday 21 February 2011

Brainstorming ideas for Developing a Line Of Professional Enquiry

Regarding the Campus Session I missed, seems to be the case that we need to start deciding on ideas for developing a line of profession enquiry in relation to my personal professional practise.

My work has involved working as a performing Dancer on a Cruise liner (Silversea, a 6 star smaller, luxury line) through the agency Jean Ann Ryan Productions.
As I start to work through and explore important questions relating to our professional practice, it strikes me there are perhaps two broad types of questions.

Firstly, what type of inquiry will improve my performance to create, make, interpret or teach my art. This is for me a ‘disciplinary’ or ‘subject’ question. It is fundamentally about how I operate as not just a dancer but that bit extra as Dance Captain and Company Manager. An inquiry located here might give weight to disciplinary knowledge (the ways or conventions or literature that exists and created by exemplary practitioners or researchers). Or, like me, it might be practical in nature (the ways we do things and these extra higher-level skills that were required in my specific Professional Practise). My inquiry involves understanding something more effectively which in turn lead to a change or improvement in my experience and overall practice.
Lets see where this leads me………

'New Social Networking Site 'Sign up | Tumblr'

Hi everyone,

Doing some more researching on new and upcoming Web 2.0 technologies specifically for 2011, I came across a review online entitled 'Social Networking 2011 Style!' They were introducing a new site much like Twitter apparantly, it is called '', I have book marked the page below, check it out and let me know what you think. Looks along very similar lines to twitter itsself, it has longer letter bursts than Twitter, but with more of the video and pic sharing of Facebook, of which I am already a user. Wonder whether it is something that will take off or is it just too similar?

Sign up Tumblr

Sunday 20 February 2011

How Important is Self Image in Professional Dance?

Today I have been reading and making some notes from Rosemary McGuiness blog. She has kindly summed up what was discussed at the campus session that I unfortunately could not make.

What they came up with was an interesting video, entitled ‘Do Web based Technologies enhance professional practise’? After looking at this, and in relation to another post of Rosemary’s dated from the 14th Feb, her tag cloud of ‘Blogged Questions - First Steps in Professional Enquiry’ (a copy can also be seen below in my previous post), I decided to do some extra work following the pink coloured ‘bubble’ ‘How important is image/appearance in Professional Dance’?

The approach I have taken is actually fuelled by my obvious dance related work based learning but also by my personal interest in the media, music and film. My research has led me to comparing two articles that have really provided some thought provoking views to the question in hand, how much does the way we look and appear, both physically and in our personal approach can affect our role in Professional Dance. The first article in question is a discussion in ‘The Sunday Times’ placed directly linking to a review of the Hollywood film the ‘Black Swan’, which has been the subject of a lot of critical discrepancy recently. The reviews its self written by Cosmo Landesman who clearly feels that although at first glance the film provides a good, dramatic into the life, times and turmoil’s of being a professional dancer dreaming of playing their ultimate role, this idea of a dancers life demanding ‘rigorous self-control’, where the director wants ‘perfect passion’ which the dancer Nina mistakes for ‘aesthetic perfection’ is an unhealthy message to portray to our audiences today both in and out of the dance industry. It explores the concept that in order to achieve this ‘aesthetic perfection’ requiring this ‘over-worked, over self-obsessed woman’ to actually just ‘let herself go’. Actually becoming this idea of a perfect dancer required her to ‘let go of her Apollonian dedication to perfection and get in touch with her darker, Dionysian side’. In the film however, this causes herself to not only let go but sadly ‘loose herself completely’, in every sense of the phrase! But it is the way that the concept of the almost stereotypical view of everybody assuming the life of a dancer is entirely bases on obsession that the critic expresses concern over. Obsession of appearance and self-image can play a huge role, and yes sadly can affect and consume some entirely, but what concerns the critic is almost the assumption that every dancer in their profession practise will eventually find themselves on a downwards spiral resulting in ‘loosing control’ and suffering from anorexia, and apparently being ‘often sweaty, given to unnaturally tense little intakes of breath, plagued by rashes on her shoulder blades and prone to poking, cutting and splitting her skin and nails’ is a terrible message to be displaying.

So ultimately, to summarise, the question I am researching into clearly has a mind field of theories to explore, some of which will I be including in my critical reflection at the end of the module. I have also found a piece entitled ‘The Real Skinny’, although it is not directly linked to dance, it does explore some insightful methodologies into this strive for ‘aesthetic perfection’. It incorporates Valtyssons theory of prod usage in that by blurring the differences between the people who make the media and the consumer encourages more participation to view their opinions on issues such as this one.

Below is the movie trailor if interested.....

Coincidently also, I used Facebook myself to contact a fellow student from last year, Zoe Bellamy after noticing her decision to express her similar concern at this specific film by composing her ‘Facebook status’ expressing herself. Her actions have since provoked quite a discussion between friends - Web 2.0 technologies doing what it does best!

Saturday 19 February 2011

'Web 2.0', Extra Info on Tim O'Reilly

Lots of new ideas to play with here on our blogs, check out folksonomies, they were totally new to me until I came across them in my further reading using Wikipedia.
The Link is:

'The term Web 2.0 is associated with web applications that facilitate interactive systemic biases, interoperability, user-centered design,[1] and developing the World Wide Web. A Web 2.0 site allows users to interact and collaborate with each other in a social media dialogue as consumers of user-generated content in a virtual community, in contrast to websites where users (prosumers) are limited to the active viewing of content that they created and controlled. Examples of Web 2.0 include social networking sites, blogs, wikis, video sharing sites, hosted services, web applications, mashups and folksonomies.
The term is closely associated with Tim O'Reilly because of the O'Reilly Media Web 2.0 conference in late 2003.[2][3] Although the term suggests a new version of the World Wide Web, it does not refer to an update to any technical specification, but rather to cumulative changes in the ways software developers and end-users use the Web. Whether Web 2.0 is qualitatively different from prior web technologies has been challenged by World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee, who called the term a "piece of jargon",[4] precisely because he intended the Web in his vision as "a collaborative medium, a place where we [could] all meet and read and write". He called it the "Read/Write Web".[5]''

I also found this example of another Tag Cloud particularly inspiring.........

Further Reading on O’Reillys meme theory.

How’s everyone finding working their way through their readers?

I’m currently mid learning my 45 sec speech to upload to You Tube but have a very temperamental internet connection working against me! Being saved by having my Readers pre-saved! Am doing some extra reading on Tim O’Reilly, I am finding his meme diagram very interesting.

Copy of the Diagram for anyone who would like to see!

Friday 18 February 2011

Where has the pressure come from to Twitter to make money as its sole primary purpose?

Came across a new discussion published by ‘David Prosser’, a critic for and article in The ‘Outlook Section’ of ‘The Journal’. In a way, I found it quite concerning, a tell tale example of showing how, sadly but predictably, social networking, specifically referring to ‘Twitter’ is disappointing some big investors because of its lack of money making. With reading the Professional Communications Reader, I am learning the how the key features of Web 2.0 tools are to aim to facilitate sharing between users in a stimulating and fun way. Ullrich also specifically states in his theory of Arcutecture Of Assembly, the beauty of the fact that Web 2.0 tools do not have to rely on businesses or governments to aid them financially or in any other way. So articles such as this one littered with quotes such as ‘….is Twitter worth £3.7 billion or £10 billion?’, ‘Has Twitter really shown us it can make three times more money than we had thought six weeks ago?’, its primary purpose of its emancipatory practices is being totally missed. Anyone else agree with me in saying Social Networking being given these money making expectation defeats its primary purpose?

Thursday 17 February 2011

Soon to be Royalty supporting the concept of the influence of Web 2.0 Technologies?

Hey Everyone,

Just a quick one today, possibly more interesting to some than others too. I’m talking Wedding Dresses believe it or not. More specifically, which one would you choose? With all the hype around who will designated the greatly anticipated job of creating Kate Middleton’s infamous design, this gem of an article is a perfect example of how a Web 1.0 technology is so limited in contrast to Web 2.0.

Whether you choose ‘The Society Favourite’ over the ‘Boho Queen’, you can clearly see the very direct concept of such a ‘one way’ technology. Here, the writer ‘Gemma Soames publishes the article with merely six, and six only options implying nothing so much as an extra frill here or an extra sequin there will do. What clearer way to try to totally influence the reader in a sense. The creator here composed the content, publishes it for the reader to read and the reader consumes and ultimately believes entirely that is the only way their wedding day will be perfect for the Spring Trends of 2011 in this specific case. It sounds so terribly corrupt, but I would admit, if I were at a point in my life to be having to choose a wedding dress, would I dare to break the mould and risk not choosing one the ‘must have’ designs. In all honestly, I would be extremely tempted to play it safe hope that Kate and I would both be walking down the isle in either ‘The British Fashion Star’ or ‘The Designer Friend’….

Check it you if you fancy it, Page 22 and 23 of ‘The Sunday Times Magazine’, dated 30/11/2011. The Article itself is called ‘Britain’s Dream Bride’.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Technologies ruining Social Livelihoods?

Good evening from a chilly Newcastle,

Found two very contrasting articles again exploring a new dimension of Web 2.0 technologies, tonight I am left to pontificate if they are actually merely just ruining our Social Livelihoods‘?! There’s a thought for you at six thirty on a Wed evening right?!

The first article, an ‘Agony Aunt’ style article from ‘BEST’ Magazine, where the ‘Agony Aunt’ in this circumstance is ‘Aunty Lorraine’, the Morning TV presenter. The reader in this occasion is expressing her exasperation to Twitter having a huge negative effect on her personal life. She says the site has caused unhappiness’ to other family members as a result of her husband being ‘so obsessed with Twitter’.
I actually discussed this with my own mother to seek the take of a trained nutritionist and family counsellor. She expressed the importance of having set, social, family meal times for example, to ensure creating a happy, secure family unit. She, like Lorraine, are adamant people need to ‘put down their phones and communicate with each other, like real live humans’. Got to admit to secretly checking Facebook Newsfeed under the dinner table a few times though!

Interestingly, in the same magazine merely a few pages later the headline ’The Dark side of Facebook’ grabs my attention. When I read on further I learn from ’Annabelle Lee’ how the social networking sites success has been tainted by links to ’murder, bullying and sex abuse’. Again, are these sites actually just destroying the nations livelihoods? As already highlighted, with the increase of ease and accessibility of social networking, people are communicating physically face to face less resulting in disastrous effects ranging from marital strain to ‘…..murder, bullying and sex abuse’, ultimately some of life’s darkest atrocities agreed?
Understandably however, I am sure the likes of O’Reilly, Ullrich, and Hamilton most definitely did not foresee how much their creations may, years down the line be possibly causing such destruction and negativity on the social livelihoods’ of the human race come 2011. As for Gruber, Face book , ‘…..Self serving problem solving on the internet, really?!’


BEST Magasine, Issue 06/11, 15th Feb 2011

Kate Nash, a Brit and a fortune, all down to using a new Web 2.0 technology? Without '....even leaving her bedroom' apparantly......

Hey Guys,

How’s everyone getting on?

Found a new article with another take on benefits of social networking - this time it has a brand new take though, it is specific to music artists. I know some of you may be totally uninterested, and perhaps did everything to avoid the Brits last night on television but this particular issue has particularly evoked one of my biggest personal interests.

This article refers to how social networking has massively built up their fan base, specifically ‘… 2003, when social networking sites websites took off, unknown musicians have been able to freely post their music online. They can build a fan base without leaving their beds. With artists such as Brit Award winner Kate Nash successfully capitalising on the My Space Generation, the possibilities are now endless’. Plain and simple really right? Build a fan base without leaving your room, create a blog, gather all opinions and views to make the music you produce the best it can be according to what the publics are and inevitably earn a small fortune.

She is a clever businesswoman and entrepreneur clearly, she herself is well a wear that her blog on My Space gave her chance to ’….showcase her music, with an online community of support far better than any industry marketing campaign’.

To summarise, in this day and age, artists are inevitably making the most money efficiently thanks to the benefits of social networking. I’m sure My Space and its creator Tom Anderson was never a wear of how much Kate Nash would be ’feeling her love’!

Article reference:

(January issue, Page 106/107)

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Student ID Card

Hey everyone,

Needing some help,

How do I go about getting my Student ID card?

Help massively appreciated please!



Latest Blog -Cultural Elitism dead as a result of Social Networking?

Tues 15th -Latest Blog

Hi guys, just updating my blog again, seems to de a daily thing at the moment, so much coverage on this sort of thing at the moment. I am current getting some medical assistance in hospital so sifting through papers is my saving grace!

Today’s find is a really thought provoking article again from my gem of a local Newcastle paper ‘The Observer’, in the New Review section, page 8 (the main cover story). Article composed by ‘Neal Gabler’, a renown move critic of many years.

He is posing the question of whether authority has migrated from trained critics to ‘ordinary folk’ as he calls them. He seems to be implying to me that thanks to Web 2.0 Technologies, ‘The Death of Cultural Elitism - is the age of the critic over’?

He quotes that because blogging is now ultimately so easy, convenient and accessible to all than ever before, we (us non trained critics) are, or may be in his opinion, too quick to splash our views and reactions all over these sites for everyone to see with an expectance of provoking reactions and primarily ‘bloggers may dilute the authority of critics in the traditional media’.

Seems to say that the ever prosperous social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook actually go as far as posing a threat to the livelihoods, and no doubt personal patience and acceptance to listen to others views of educated and acclaimed critics of today. Personally, I can definitely sense a bitter tone on the article, he continues to debate that just anyone can join such sites, ‘culturally experienced or not’.

To throw in my personal opinions, I still firmly believe that everyone is truly entitles to their own opinions, who is to say critically what is right and wrong. However, of course a sense of diplomacy is important as as always. In connection with this however, one can appreciate, the opinion of a 5 year old boy on latest films may be somewhat more sheltered than a more supposedly ‘wordly wise’ adult of middle age for example.

With spending a lot of my last year dancing professionally based in Miami, I could not help but smirk at his aticle ‘last line clincher’, apparently ‘…..nothing could be more American’, make of that what you will I suppose. Interestingly though, or possibly ironically, anyone can join the debate about debating online, ‘….online at’! Note I have highlighted the link just in case anyone felt so inclined!

Monday 14 February 2011

Luca Silvestrini Production - LOL (Lots of Love)

Hi everyone,

This production looks interesting, found a short mention about it in The Cronical, Newcastle's local daily paper.

It quotes 'Luca Silvestrini's latest dance - theatre project explores social networking and it's impact on the way we live and love. Could be interesting, here is the link to the website of his, it has various reviews of the show plus a great youtube vid all right there on the homepage, Wonder why he called his company 'Protein Dance'.

Also should anyone be interested in going to watch it here are the links for buying tickets, it is on at the Birmingham Hippodrome,, and he number to call to book tickets is 0870 7301234.

I googled him and this review ppped right up, could promote some great discussions regarding out studying into Web 2.0 technologies and social networking.

Check it out and let me know!

About Me

My Name is Sophie Douglas from The Lake District Cumbria. I am a Professional Dancer who last year graduated from The Northern Ballet School in Manchester, England with a National Diploma in Professional Dance from The Trinity College London. Since then, I have been working with Jean Ann Ryan Productions based in Miami on various contracts totally 13months work which leads me to here!

My Dance Training began at the tender age of 3, my love and passion for Dance was apparent from an early age yet confirmed when I was awarded a place as a Junior Associate with the Royal Ballet School. I continued this training through the Mid and Senior Associate programmes attending classes in Manchester, Birmingham and Covent Garden. During this time period I also underwent lessons at both my local dance schools Eden School Of Dance and Maria Frances School Of Dance. Subjects studied here expanded further and ranged from Ballet to Jazz, Modern, Tap all general Performing Arts and Theatre craft. I gained various qualifications working my way through both IDTA and RAD as well as various other team awards, competitions, workshops and summer schools. Most notably were two weeks spent training at the Arts Educational at Tring Park and Northern Ballet Theatre where I was really given a taste of the life and demands of being a professional dancer. It was also here my love to expand out into other styles such as Jazz, Hip Hop, Commercial dance and specific West End Musical choreography and performance were realised and explored. I took part in various full length productions with the English Youth Ballet where my roles ranged from being part of the Corps de ballet to being awarded a scholarship and lead role in my favourite classical Ballet,
 At the age of 16, I was faced with the decision of continuing with my academics or accepting a place at the Northern Ballet School, a decision I compromised with by following my passion and choosing Dance as a career but undergoing my A Levels at a night school in Manchester itself.

My Professional Experience

My professional training began in 2006 where we were put through our paces with intensive daily
 During these three years I performed with the Schools professional performing arm ‘Jazzgalore’ for their annual musical, I worked as a regular catwalk model and dancer for ‘Wella’ and was a featured dancer in one of Glenn Balls ‘PR Flash Stunts’ with JK Commercial Dance Agency.Acting, perfecting accents, specifically Californian (Western), Southern and Standard American, Liverpool, Manchester (Northern),London (Cockney) , Extra Work for film and media, Yoga and Pilates. I make the most of living in such a beautiful National Park by exploring it’s landscape through swimming, cycling, running and walking, fitting in the odd hockey practise and Zumba and Circuit training at the gym. In contrast I love cooking and reading extensive gengres ranging from my favourite ’Sunday Times’ newspaper to Russel Brands novel ’Booky Wook’ via Bill Bryson, with a few breaks listening to my extensive Ipod music library too! My love for travel is extensive and I have plans to combine studying and working to encourage to promote the health and social benefits of Dance based in a school in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil provided funds will allow! I hope the Foundation In Dance Instruction qualification I have also gained may assist me with this and give me further experience into my love for teaching dance itself also.
Whilst at college we were continually assessed in the Ballet and Jazz disciplines to ascertain if we had gained the required standard in order to achieve our professional Trinity diplomas. We were all given marks in each assessed discipline that reflected how well we had demonstrated the techniques required to pass the assessment. We were also videoed during these assessments, this enabled us to have a feedback lesson with the teacher of that discipline and gave us a chance to watch ourselves in the class and learn from mistakes and judge our weaker points to hopefully correct these and gain a higher mark in the next assessments.

Further more from here, I have been working for Jean Ann Ryan Productions as previously mentioned. Initially based for two months in Miami and then spending 11 months touring the world as Dance Captain and Company Manager for Silversea Cruise lines.

Extra Skills and Interests

Jazz, Ballet, Pointe, Tap, Contemporary, Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Hip Hop, Double Work, Heel Work, Pas de Deux, Drama and Singing classes as well as special skills training in Advanced Acro and Gymnastics, Advanced Tap and Irish Dancing which, over a period of three years, would essentially prepare me for a career in either the classical or musical theatre industry. We were lucky enough to work under the credits of David Needham, Eric Carpenter, Tracey Baxter, Darren Suarez and our principal Patricia McDonald to name just a few.
the ‘Nutcracker’.

Could Blogging Improve Education?

Happy Valentines Day everyone!

Stumbled across another article which is worthwhile a mention. To me, it is ultimately posing the question of whether or not Web 2.0 technologies could potentially aid a nation of substantially more intelligent people? A stab in the dark I know! Let me explain further:-

So, the article itself is from The Sunday Times, Sun 13th Feb, the quickest way to find it would be to use the link

It is proposing the idea of how Web 2.0 benefits are ultimately improving Education, specifically in boys of a primary school age. It states:

‘One in eleven boys primary age leave school unable to read properly’, obviously as a result probably struggling to write also. This seems pretty shocking, could a new technology such as blogging really ensure these levels are one again increased.

I feel this really highlights how times are changing, the vast improvements of speed of internet access, it’s pure convenience nowadays, along with the almost ‘fashionable trend’ of using technology such as blogs resulting in learning through Web 2.0 based technologies almost making the ‘learning’ its self becoming ‘cool and fun’ even?

On another note, the article highlights the fact of boys struggling statistically specifically, why my this be? Do girls like using Web based tools less do we thing? Does this apply just to blogging or using computers generally? Moreover, if there are clearly are scientific improvements in Language and Literacy statistics through using Web 2.0 proven, how can we include the girls more? Not just a case of wrapping a computer up in a pink and fluffy box no doubt!

It also references about online lessons ‘officially introduced into the curriculum’ recently. I can’t help but too question is this too far? Could this actually encourage a total reversal in creating a decrease in physical social interaction, one of the most valuable life skills don’t you agree? There was a specific reference to not even the ‘snowy weather’ this Christmas stopped blogging usage, is this simply another reason to not bother with socialising outside ones home or ultimately ones bedroom? A little sad concept I feel.

To summarise, the article seems to be imply that basically all children want to be heard, but surely a world of Web 2.0 only communication and learning is not the way to produce a well rounded intelligent, socialy adapted human being.

Sunday 13 February 2011

Job searching?

     Hi again everyone, just thought I would mention, if anyone is struggling with a job search, personally I find the Dance Cast - UK Castings & Auditions 2 group on Facebook really useful, if you join the mailing list using the link below, they have constant, daily actually, emails with various job offers. They range greatly but hey why not, makes interesting reading anyways. Obviously you can just click on the join group link to it too.

Here's the link:

Join Our Mailing List -

Example of Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 Technologies

     Relating to my previous post, flicking further through the same magasine, page 90 (if you can get your hands on a copy) shows great examples of both Web 1.0 nd Web 2.0 technologies. There is a section entitles 'Boys tell us......', again, on a trivial 'first date' subject however principle is still there, the concept of the freedom the reader has to be heard. In contrast, directly above this there is a flowchart entilted 'How To Grab Your Guy', prime Web 2.0 material, i.e this is how this works, follow this method. Interesting.....

Ref: Bliss Nov 2010.

Just for the record,the Magasine has its own website should you wish to find the exact articles, let me know what you think!

Web 1.0 Technology - exposure to it from so young....

     As I'm sure others are, I have been reading through our 'Professional Communication's Reader', whilst also browsing a magasine I came accross a really great example of how the reader really becomes the creator. It is actually from 'Bliss', the November 2010 issue which I had lying around. Although a little young perhaps for mos of us, it shows a great example of an 'Over To You' section. The reader has written freely about their own views (regarding bullying in this specific case). Basic, yet this is a magasine for girls of a younger age. Really shows how the use of Web 1.0 technology can be witnessed in literature accessibleto children, no doubt moreso girls in this case from such a young and impressionable age.

Brand New Blogger!

Hello everyone, brand new 'blogger' here, just trying to get to grips with how it all works!