Friday 25 February 2011

Flickr Account


So just managed to set up my Flickr account, uploaded a varied photostream of pictures all relating to my Professional Practise. Wide range to have a look at from rehearsals to performance to fellow cast, to the ship its self during dry dock, sailing, the Captain and crew also creep in there too to give as much detail, and hopefully interest and enjoyment as possible.

I have found the process of 'geo tagging too', has anyone else found it? With my Professional Practise revolving hugely around the places we physically visited whilst dancing, I have found this Web 2.0 echnology perfect to give that little extra information and ultimatly boost the overall description of my specific work line.

To access it, you have to of course sign up to Flickr, I have noticed many already have, Sonal Patel has some great pics in her photostream too, she let me know through her lates blog, thanks Sonal. You are then required to set up your personal profile so to speak, thats bit is easy so don't be too daunted!

Here is the shortcut to it.

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