Tuesday 22 February 2011

Use of Web 2.0, How To Make a Showreel

Hi Guys,

Found this youtube clip particularly useful with regards to how to making a show reel most effectivly with optimum results in our Professional Practise.

Have a look and let me know what you think, goes into depth about things that's may be considered as trivial but ultimately can make that extra difference to getting hired, for example, I am now considering factors affecting looking calm on an introduction, tips and ways in which to come across competent before I have physically even started dancing.

On the contrary however, I found after googling this topic, lots of sites that were actually less help with merely promotions of prices for companies to do show reels for you. This stresses the importance of how specific you need you need to be when undergoing a search in the world wide web, with hundreds of thousands of possible pages found a certain extent and capability to limit and extract exactly what is going to be beneficial is needed.
Here is the link to an example of a site that really, at second glance provides no useful information, I thought it was necessary to show examples of both.

1 comment:

Sonal Natasha Patel said...

Sophie, this is really interesting. I found the same but it was on resumes, I looked into the showreels and it has given me alot of thought and ideas to create mine. Currently, this seems to be the best way to broadcast ability and personality. Defiantly combining both showreel and resume style would enable you to create the best and fullest showreel.