Wednesday 16 February 2011

Kate Nash, a Brit and a fortune, all down to using a new Web 2.0 technology? Without '....even leaving her bedroom' apparantly......

Hey Guys,

How’s everyone getting on?

Found a new article with another take on benefits of social networking - this time it has a brand new take though, it is specific to music artists. I know some of you may be totally uninterested, and perhaps did everything to avoid the Brits last night on television but this particular issue has particularly evoked one of my biggest personal interests.

This article refers to how social networking has massively built up their fan base, specifically ‘… 2003, when social networking sites websites took off, unknown musicians have been able to freely post their music online. They can build a fan base without leaving their beds. With artists such as Brit Award winner Kate Nash successfully capitalising on the My Space Generation, the possibilities are now endless’. Plain and simple really right? Build a fan base without leaving your room, create a blog, gather all opinions and views to make the music you produce the best it can be according to what the publics are and inevitably earn a small fortune.

She is a clever businesswoman and entrepreneur clearly, she herself is well a wear that her blog on My Space gave her chance to ’….showcase her music, with an online community of support far better than any industry marketing campaign’.

To summarise, in this day and age, artists are inevitably making the most money efficiently thanks to the benefits of social networking. I’m sure My Space and its creator Tom Anderson was never a wear of how much Kate Nash would be ’feeling her love’!

Article reference:

(January issue, Page 106/107)

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