Thursday 19 April 2012

Learning Curve - Professional Artefact

So having already had a few ideas for my Artefact (see previous blog), I experienced a huge learning curve within my practise this evening.

As it stands, I intent to incorporate a media based approach, and film willing participants in a way that represents what I found about what Dance means to a specific community, and communicates this in a way that reaches others within the Dance sector effectively

The specific Dance community I based my research on, and gathered data from aren't actually going to be used for the specific artefact itself, within the time constraints of our projects I was unable to get adequate time with participants from within the organisation. This however I feel has been a benefit in disguise, by asking participants from within my own professional dance practise after classes this evening, generally people were enthused about taking part, and sharing their experiences in Dance. By explaining to them the purpose for enquiry, and summing up my main findings, it has clarified in my mind what I have gained and learnt from the project as a whole. So by communicating the whole process to others who didn't even know I have been researching what Dance means to a specific community, insights of my learning have developed even more so. I still intend to show the Artefact to the original Dance community the findings were based on however, hopefully they can learn as much from it as I can. In a way, if the new group of participants perhaps suggest new ideas on their own Dance experiences, another route for future research can be created. I wonder if the meaning of Dance varies from one specific community practise to another perhaps?

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